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There are currently 594 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.
L’Foust, Loretta
Labat, Veronica
LaBeet, Octave M.
Lacey, James E.
Lacey, Norman F.
Lachman, Arthur R.
Lacy, Frank M.
Lacy, Hezekiah
Lacy, Norman F.
Laday, Joseph
Ladd, George C.
Ladd, Wesley L.
Ladell, Saunders
Lafayette, Benjamin
LaFleur, Wendell D.
Lagrone, Roy
Laguna, Henry
Laguna, John M.
Laird, Edward
Laird, Lace H.
Lake, John E.
Lake, Willie
Lalande, Joseph A.
LaLiberte, Eugene J.
LaMar, J. H.
Lamar, Ray F.
Lamb, Alonzo J.
Lambert, William B.
Lamberth, Lea B.
Lamboley, Walter C.
Lampkins, Lewis C. Jr.
Lampkins, T.J.
Lanauze, Harry E.
Lancaster, Aloysius W.
Lancaster, Mitchell
Lancaster, Raymond V.
Lancaster, Theodore N.
Lancaster, Theodore W.
Lander, Orville
Landers, Emmett W.
Landers, Fleming T.
Landfair, Benney W.
Landiro, Joseph A.
Landis, Jacob B.
Landrum, Howard
Landrum, Jefferson E.
Lane, Allen G.
Lane, Charles A. Jr.
Lane, Clifford A.
Lane, Coleman
Lane, Earl R.
Lane, George V.
Lane, Josephine B.
Lane, Lowell W.
Lane, Rose
Lane, Thurston D.
Lane, Valena M.
Lane, William
Lane, William B.
Lane, William W.
Laney, William D.
Lang, Isaiah
Lang, Robert L.
Langford, Gilbert B.
Langford, Horace
Langford, Lawrence W.
Langford, Robert J.
Langhorn, Mrs. s.
Langhorn, Norwood S.
Langhorne, William H.
Langley, Robert A.
Langston, Carroll N. Jr.
Lanham, Jimmy
Lanier, Thelma
Lankford, Joshua
Lankford, Larry J.
Lankford, William K.
Lansford, Edward L.
Larkin, Johnnie F.
Larkin, Robert A.
Larkins, Clarence L.
Larks, Jesse
Larue, Alvin B.
Larue, Augustin A.
LaRue, Robert L.
Lasak, Michael P.
Lasher, William E.
Laskey, Roger O.
Laster, Morris C.
Latham, Y. Z.
Lathan, Joseph A.
Lathrop, Robert
Latimer, Merle O.
Latimer, Valdemar A.
Latimore, Edward T.
LaTouche, Enoch D.
Lattimore, James H.
Lattimore, Robert H.
Lauler, Richard
Laurence, Irvin W.
Laurenzi, Richard J.
Lavender, Theodore R.
Lavender, Wavery T.
Lavington, Charles F.
Law, Maynard H.
Law, Percy E.
Law, William
Lawery, Robert S.
Lawhorn, Titus
Lawler, Richard
Lawler, William J.
Lawrence, Albert
Lawrence, Allen
Lawrence, Arthur R.
Lawrence, Charles F.
Lawrence, Charles L.
Lawrence, Clayton F.
Lawrence, Dorothy E.
Lawrence, Erwin B.
Lawrence, Erwin B. Jr.
Lawrence, Frederick N.
Lawrence, Gastin
Lawrence, Grady
Lawrence, James C.
Lawrence, James V.
Lawrence, Johnnie W.
Lawrence, Kenneth M.
Lawrence, Robert M. Jr.
Lawrence, Robert S.
Lawrence, Robert W.
Lawrence, Thaddeus J.
Laws, George A.
Laws, Robert J.
Laws, Roger
Lawson, Charles A.
Lawson, Charles L.
Lawson, Charlie
Lawson, Clarence
Lawson, Cleveland
Lawson, Dennie
Lawson, George
Lawson, Harold F.
Lawson, Herman A.
Lawson, John D.
Lawson, Joseph R.
Lawson, Leon B.
Lawson, Minor J.
Lawson, Timothy G.
Lawson, Walter
Lawson, Walter I.
Lawson, Wray A.
Lawthorn, Titus
Lawton, B. T.
Lawyer, David
Lay, Archie W.
Laye, Martin S.
Layman, Donald L.
Layne, Andrew J.
Layne, Eric
Layton, Roosevelt
Lea, Francis L.
Lea, Germanuel
Leach, James L.
Leach, John
Leach, Richard M.
Leahr, John H.
Leahy, Thomas E.
Leak, James T.
Leak, John P.
Leake, Dillard A.
Leake, Fulton H.
Leake, Marion
Leaks, James
Leaphart, Vurnol V.
Leask, Bertram J.
Leath, John E.
Leath, Rufus r. Jr.
Leathers, Clyde N.
Leavell, Clarence R.
Leavell, Harry
Leavelle, Raymond
Lebby, George W.
LeBlanc, Ivory
LeCastro, Ignazio T.
Ledbetter, Charles W.
Ledbetter, Louis L.
Ledgerwood, Joe
Lee, Afton
Lee, Bennie
Lee, Carl
Lee, Charles B.
Lee, Charles D.
Lee, Decatur
Lee, Dickie
Lee, Edward r. Jr.
Lee, Elver
Lee, Elvira
Lee, Erwin
Lee, Everett A. Jr.
Lee, Frank
Lee, Garmaricel B.
Lee, Grover C.
Lee, Isiah
Lee, James D.
Lee, Jesse E.
Lee, Jesse P.
Lee, John
Lee, Kelly
Lee, Leonard W.
Lee, Monroe
Lee, Noble
Lee, Norvell L.
Lee, Parker S.
Lee, Philip F.
Lee, Phillip F.
Lee, Prince
Lee, Richard M.
Lee, Robert E.
Lee, Roy C.
Lee, Russell
Lee, Shade M.
Lee, Solon M.
Lee, Stanley J.
Lee, Theophia E.
Lee, Thomas
Lee, Thomas E.
Lee, Ulysses G. Jr.
Lee, Ulysses S.
Lee, Wilbert E.
Lee, William C.
Lee, William M.
Lee, Wilmer J.
Lee, Winston
Leevy, Thomas H.
Lefrey, Albert S.
Lefroy, Albert
Leftenant, Nancy C.
Leftenant, Samuel G.
Leftwich, Ivey L.
Leftwich, Nathaniel B.
Leggett, James A.
Leggett, Lawrence L.
Leggins, Wayne
LeGrand, Oscar
Lehman, John M.
Lehman, Paul D.
Leigh, Owen D.
Leighten, Edward V.
Leighton, Charles
Leighton, Donovan L.
Leighton, Harold C.
Lemmons, Dorothy S.
Lemmons, Milton F.
Lemons, John J.
Lenoir, Ocea
Lenon, Arthur G.
Leo, Prince
Leon, Emile J. Jr.
Leonard, Eldridge
Leonard, Harlan Q. Jr.
Leonard, Hughey A.
Leonard, Irie E.
Leonard, R. L.
Leonard, Rudolph L.
Leonard, Thomas B.
Leonard, Walter W.
Leonard, Wilmore B.
Leroy, James B.
Leslie, William A.
Lester, Charlie
Lester, Clarence D.
Lester, Findley
Lester, John J. Jr.
Lester, Rose
Lester, Scott
Letcher, Henry M.
Letheln, Charles D.
Letson, Edward
Lett, Estelle E.
Lett, John M.
Lett, William H.
Levenson, Frank
Levinson, Frank
Levister, Wendell R.
Levy, Bertram A.
Levy, Ulysses A.
Lewie, Lemuel A. Jr.
Lewis, Adolphus
Lewis, Adolphus r. Jr.
Lewis, Albert
Lewis, Alexander
Lewis, Booker
Lewis, Carl D.
Lewis, Cary B. Jr.
Lewis, Charles D.
Lewis, Charles E.
Lewis, Charles L.
Lewis, Clarence E.
Lewis, Dock
Lewis, Donald T.
Lewis, Earl M.
Lewis, Edna M.
Lewis, Edwin D.
Lewis, Elisha
Lewis, Emile J.
Lewis, Esaw
Lewis, Eugene H.
Lewis, F. F.
Lewis, General W.
Lewis, Gordon C.
Lewis, Granville L.
Lewis, Harden D.
Lewis, Harding
Lewis, Harold R.
Lewis, Herbert r. Jr.
Lewis, James E.
Lewis, Jaustine M.
Lewis, Jesse E.
Lewis, Joe
Lewis, Joe A.
Lewis, Joseph L.
Lewis, Leo
Lewis, Leo J.
Lewis, Leon R.
Lewis, Lorraine
Lewis, Marvin
Lewis, Mary L.
Lewis, Matthew H.
Lewis, Melvin J.
Lewis, Morgan
Lewis, Napoleon B.
Lewis, O. B.
Lewis, Olive M.
Lewis, Orville
Lewis, Orville M.
Lewis, Paul
Lewis, Phillip A.
Lewis, Ralph
Lewis, Ray W.
Lewis, Richard B.
Lewis, Robert
Lewis, Robert W.
Lewis, Spencer
Lewis, Temple B.
Lewis, Walter R.
Lewis, Walter T.
Lewis, Walter W.
Lewis, Wilbur H.
Lewis, William C.
Lewis, William H.
Lewis, William J. Jr.
Lewis, William P.
Lewis, William R.
Lewis, Windro
Lewis, Windsor
Libbett, Jesse
Libby, Keith E.
Lickett, Morris V.
Liddell, Harvey C. Jr.
Liddell, Leo F.
Liddell, Leon D.
Lieteau, Albert J.
Liford, Warren P.
Liggett, John W.
Liggins, Wayne V.
Light, Herbert M.
Lightfoot, Charles
Lightfoot, Charles G.
Lightfoot, Vernon
Lightle, James R.
Ligon, Aldridge C.
Ligon, Julius
Ligon, Luther M.
Ligow, Aldridge C.
Lillard, Raymond
Lilly, Henry r. Jr.
Lilly, James A.
Lilly, Warren D.
Lima, George S.
Lincoln, Calhoun L.
Lincoln, Vernon B.
Linder, George W.
Linder, Robert C.
Lindley, Howard I.
Lindner, Richard C.
Lindo, Calvin E.
Lindsay, Adelbert R.
Lindsay, Billy B.
Lindsay, John L.
Lindsay, John R.
Lindsay, LeRoy
Lindsay, P. S.
Lindsay, Paul
Lindsay, Richard
Lindsay, Sylvester A.
Lindsey, Billie B.
Lindsey, Eli
Lindsey, Kenneth G.
Lindsey, Perry W.
Lindsey, Raymond
Lindsey, Raymond L.
Lindsey, Warren
Lines, Charles W.
Linton, Emmett G.
Linton, Harry
Linton, Jay D.
Lipscomb, Ira H.
Lipscomb, James I.
Lipscomb, Lawrence T.
Lipscomb, Olin K.
Lipscomb, Wendell R.
Lipsey, Wardell
Liska, William J.
Listenbee, Wedelow
Litaker, Tonsel A.
LIttle, Crawford r. Jr.
Little, Dennis D.
Little, Hiram A.
Little, Hiram E.
Little, Morell J.
Little, Sarah B.
Little, Willie
Littlefield, Belton
Littlejohn, Cornelius
Littlejohn, Henry K.
Littles, Roosevelt
Littleton, Henry K.
Lively, Walter H.
Livingston, Albert B.
Livingston, Charles
Livingston, Horace D.
Livingston, John H.
Livingston, William A.
Livsey, Ralph L.
Lloyd, Frederick
Lloyd, John
Lochran, John E.
Locke, Bryant W.
Locke, Ersel r. Jr.
Lockett, Claybourne A.
Lockett, Felix
Lockett, Paul C.
Lockett, Walter
Lockhart, James A.
Lockhart, Jim L.
Lockheart, Earl
Lockheart, Evanglist
Lockridge, Alvin
Lockridge, Bruce D.
Lockridge, Morton C.
Loeffler, Clifton C.
Lofton, Edward J.
Lofton, Lubbie J.
Logan, Alfonso
Logan, Arthur
Logan, George W.
Logan, John O.
Logan, Millard H.
Logan, Murray L.
Logan, Raymond A.
Logan, Robert C.
Logan, Robert J.
Logan, Timothy
Logan, W. M.
Logan, Wendell M.
Logan, Willie
Loggins, Aaron B.
Loggins, Roy, L.
Lomax, Carl W.
Lomax, Francis
Lomax, James
Lomax, James W.
Lomax, Louise V.
Lombard, Russell J.
Loney, Johnny A.
Long, Arthur J.
Long, Arthur L.
Long, Austin L.
Long, Clem E.
Long, Clyde C.
Long, David J.
Long, Edward
Long, Ernest C.
Long, George T.
Long, Gordon B.
Long, Gordon R.
Long, Howard L.
Long, John T.
Long, Judson H.
Long, Raybon
Long, Robert M.
Long, Thomas
Long, Wendell W.
Long, Wilbur F.
Longmire, Russell G.
Longs, Larduffree
Longus, Ralph
Lonon, Willie M.
Looney, John P.
Lopes, Manuel A.
Lopez, Felix M.
Lotheln, Charles D.
Lottier, George
Loudd, Claude F.
Louis, John H.
Louis, Lawrence
Louis, Roscoe
Louis, Theodore
Louis, William G.
Louis, Willie G.
Loundmannz, Frederico
Lounds, D. E.
Loupe, Stanley D. Jr.
Loutrel, John M.
Love, George F.
Love, Leroy
Love, Thomas W. Jr.
Love, Walter
Love, William C.
Lovelady, D. C. I. O..
Lovett, John
Lovett, Julius G.
Loving, William C.
Lovings, Cleatus L.
Lowe, Fred N.
Lowe, Harold
Lowe, James
Lowe, Wilbur r. Jr.
Lowe, William M. Jr.
Lowell, William D.
Lowen, Cecil E.
Lowenberg, Robert B.
Lowery, Ray H.
Lowery, Robert S.
Lowery, Thomas L. Jr.
Lowther, George M.
Loy, Homer L.
Lucas, Charles J.
Lucas, Charlotte
Lucas, Clark A.
Lucas, Edward C.
Lucas, Elliot W.
Lucas, Grant D.
Lucas, John C.
Lucas, John T.
Lucas, Newton
Lucas, O’Dell
Lucas, Ruth
Lucas, Theophilus
Lucas, Wendell M.
Luck, John L.
Luck, Thomas P. Jr.
Luetke, Carl
Lugauskas, Alfred A.
Luke, William H.
Lum, Harry t.
Lumpkin, Theodore G.
Lumsy, Dorsey
Lunda, Edward R.
Lundgren, Irving W.
Lundy, Fred C.
Lundy, Jesse
Lunnon, George W.
Luse, George C.
Luster, Virginia D.
Lutz, Louis E.
Luzader, Lemen A.
Lyder, John C.
Lyle, John H.
Lyle, Payton H.
Lyle, William
Lyles, Ambrose
Lyles, Edward H.
Lynch, Curtis
Lynch, George A.
Lynch, Lewis J.
Lynch, Sylvester
Lynn, Melvin R.
Lynn, Samuel
Lynwood, William G.
Lyons, Aaron J.
Lyons, Ernest I.
Lyons, Irving
Lyons, Joe R.
Lyons, Lawrence
Lyons, Pauline A.
Lyons, Richard A.
Lytle, Carl A.
Lytle, Erskine W. Jr.
Lytle, Randolph H.
Lytle, William H.
Lyttle, Elijah
Lyttle, Jack W.
Lyvers, James
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