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There are currently 1082 names in this directory beginning with the letter C.
Cabbagestalk, Roosevelt
Cabble, Marion
Cabell, Earl C.
Cabiness, Marshall S.
Cabule, Ernest M. Jr.
Cade, Alex H. Jr.
Cadera, Paul I.
Cadogan, Theodore M.
Cadora, Paul I.
Caesar, Richard C.
Caesar, Valdes
Caffee, Frank
Cagnolatti, Calvin M.
Cahill, I. C.
Caille, Warren W.
Cain, Harvey
Cain, Leroy
Cain, Robert A.
Cain, Thomas J.
Cain, William L.
Cain, Willie L.
Caines, Kenneth L.
Caison, C. H
Calaway, Earl L.
Calder, Timothy
Caldwell, Adna J.
Caldwell, Byron S.
Caldwell, Henry
Caldwell, Langston
Caldwell, Langston H.
Caldwell, Lee A.
Caldwell, Louis T.
Caldwell, Mackie J.
Caldwell, Richard D.
Caldwell, Walter H.
Caldwell, William
Caldwell, Willie
Calhoun, Alonzo C.
Calhoun, James A.
Calhoun, James E.
Calhoun, William L.
Calland, Lenward A.
Callaway, Harold J.
Callaway, Vernon H.
Callender, Louis
Callier, J. D.
Calloway, Clifford C.
Calloway, Edward E.
Calloway, Francis
Calloway, Gilbert
Calloway, Jackson J.
Calloway, John
Calloway, Julius W.
Calloway, Lacey r. Jr.
Calloway, Lorenza T.
Calloway, Richard r. Jr.
Calloway, Thomas W.
Calvin, Sydney E.
Cameron, Laundery
Camilleri, Joseph T.
Cammon, Birk r. Jr.
Campbell, Alfred A. Jr.
Campbell, Anthony
Campbell, Augustus
Campbell, Carie
Campbell, Donald G.
Campbell, Earl
Campbell, Eugene B.
Campbell, Harvey I.
Campbell, Herbert
Campbell, Herbert M.
Campbell, Herman A.
Campbell, Herman R. Jr.
Campbell, Hubbard S.
Campbell, Hugh J.
Campbell, Jackson H.
Campbell, James C.
Campbell, John H.
Campbell, Joseph H.
Campbell, Lawrence
Campbell, Lawrence C.
Campbell, Lawrence J.
Campbell, LeRoy E.
Campbell, Lillian
Campbell, Lindsay L.
Campbell, McWheeler
Campbell, O. B.
Campbell, Ralph A.
Campbell, Richard A.
Campbell, Riley r. Jr.
Campbell, Robert E.
Campbell, Russell
Campbell, Sutton E.
Campbell, Sylvester
Campbell, Thomas
Campbell, Vincent O.
Campbell, Walter E.
Campbell, William A.
Campbell, William M.
Campfield, Miss
Camphor, Jake
Canady, Clinton r. Jr.
Canady, James W.
Cancelosi, Joseph C. Jr.
Candelaria, Charles C.
Cannon, Charles
Cannon, George M.
Cannon, Gilbert F.
Cannon, James H.
Cannon, John C.
Cannon, Leroy
Cannon, Ravenell W.
Cannon, Rufus
Cantrell, Herbert
Canty, Benjamin F.
Capell, William W.
Capiti, J. K.
Caple, Pearlie
Captain, Baird K.
Card, Edward J.
Card, Hugh C.
Cardwell, Alfred T.
Cardwell, Edward F.
Cardwell, Robert
Carey, Albert
Carey, Albert L.
Carey, Carl E.
Carey, Fred
Carey, Harold A.
Carey, Herbert T.
Carey, Kingsley L.
Carey, Lester
Cargill, Gilbert A.
Carline, William R.
Carlis, Nathaniel C.
Carlos, James E.
Carlton, Alphonso r. Jr.
Carlton, John F.
Carman, Bert V. Jr.
Carman, Harvey
Carmen, Harvey
Carmicheal, Fred D.
Carnahan, Clair W.
Carnegie, Paul D.
Carner, John M. Jr.
Carney, Norace
Carothers, Jacquline L.
Carothers, Rice L.
Carpenter, Curtis
Carpenter, Harold H.
Carpenter, Robert C.
Carpenter, Russell W.
Carper, George
Carper, Leonard W.
Carple, August R.
Carr, James S.
Carr, Jimmy R.
Carr, Lawrence
Carr, Leonard D.
Carr, Marjorie
Carr, Marshall
Carr, Nathaniel
Carr, Pythias D.
Carr, Robert L.
Carr, Stanford E.
Carr, Thomas
Carr, Timothy D.
Carr, William H.
Carr, Willie A.
Carraby, George B.
Carrell, Richard
Carrell, Theodore
Carrier, Lemmitt G.
Carriers, Aron
Carrington, Arthur
Carrington, Charles R.
Carrington, Collins
Carrington, Frederick L.
Carrington, O’Neal W.
Carrington, P. L.
Carrington, Wendell B.
Carrington, William O.
Carroll, Alfred Q. Jr.
Carroll, Alonzo
Carroll, Augustus
Carroll, Edward F.
Carroll, George E.
Carroll, Lawrence W.
Carroll, Richard
Carroll, Theodore
Carruth, Ceazer
Carruthers, James L.
Carson, Antoine
Carson, Eddie
Carson, John H.
Carson, Marty
Carson, Stanley
Carson, William P. Jr.
Carston, Henry
Carter, Agee
Carter, Albert T.
Carter, Annanias
Carter, Archie L.
Carter, Arthur L. Sr.
Carter, Broadus
Carter, Carl
Carter, Charles E.
Carter, Charles H.
Carter, Clarence J.
Carter, Clarence R.
Carter, Curtis G.
Carter, Darue
Carter, Donnell
Carter, Edgar
Carter, Elanora
Carter, Emmett A.
Carter, Eugene D.
Carter, Floyd H.
Carter, Floyd J.
Carter, Francis A.
Carter, Frank
Carter, Franklin E. Jr.
Carter, Frisby M.
Carter, Harold S.
Carter, Harrel
Carter, Herbert E.
Carter, Isaac
Carter, James B.
Carter, James D.
Carter, James G.
Carter, James L.
Carter, James R.
Carter, James W.
Carter, James Y.
Carter, Jeru
Carter, Joe N.
Carter, Joe T.
Carter, John H.
Carter, John L.
Carter, John R. Jr.
Carter, Julius C.
Carter, Karl W.
Carter, LaRue
Carter, Leonard
Carter, Lloyd
Carter, Lloyd A.
Carter, Lorenzo
Carter, Lorenzo A.
Carter, Lott S.
Carter, Luther
Carter, Marion A.
Carter, Merle
Carter, Mildred H.
Carter, Milton
Carter, Mitchell E.
Carter, Otis
Carter, Percy
Carter, Perry
Carter, Reginald F.
Carter, Richard B.
Carter, Richard B. Jr.
Carter, Robert A.
Carter, Robert L.
Carter, Roger L.
Carter, Ruth L.
Carter, Samuel
Carter, Thomas R.
Carter, Virginia B.
Carter, Washington
Carter, Wilbur G.
Carter, William E.
Carter, William G.
Carter, William H.
Carter, William L.
Carter, William M.
Carter, William P.
Carter, Woodrow
Cartwright, Donald O.
Cartwright, Isaiah
Caruthers, Marion
Caruthers, Willie
Carvalho, Pedro R.
Cary, Arthur S.
Cary, James L.
Casey, Charles F.
Casey, Clifton C.
Casey, Samuel D.
Cash, Eugene r. Jr.
Cashew, Clarence
Cass, James N.
Cassagnol, Raymond
Cassey, Peter W. Jr.
Cassius, Frank R. Jr.
Castelle, Charles L.
Castiglia, Peter
Castle, Graham
Catchings, Dexter L.
Cathey, John W.
Catlett, John B.
Catlin, George R.
Caufman, Lynn W.
Cauls, James r. Jr.
Cauthon, Ralph
Caver, John A.
Caver, O. M.
Cavitt, Earl H.
Cawley, George W.
Cawthon, Andrew F.
Cawthon, Floyd J.
Celestine, Phillippe
Center, John W.
Chaderton, Charles W.
Chaffin, Walter H.
Chafin, Donald T.
Chaison, Roscoe
Chamberlain, Clyde E.
Chamberlain, Theodore
Chamberlin, Melvin C.
Chambers, Arthur C.
Chambers, Bobbie
Chambers, Charles E.
Chambers, Charles W.
Chambers, Frank H.
Chambers, Frank L.
Chambers, Jesse
Chambers, Lawrence
Chambers, Lloyd O.
Chambers, Samuel
Chambers, Stermidge
Chambers, William L.
Chamblis, Mack
Chambliss, George W.
Chambliss, M. D.
Chambliss, McKinney
Chambliss, Sanford
Champion, Calvin
Champion, James
Champion, Jesse J.
Champion, Jessie J.
Chance, Wallace H. Jr.
Chancellor, Alonzo
Chancellor, Jack
Chandler, Amos
Chandler, Clarence C.
Chandler, Goon
Chandler, John
Chandler, Len
Chandler, Peter J.
Chandler, Robert C.
Chaney, Charlie H. Jr.
Chaney, James L.
Chantrelle, Seginald
Chaplin, Robert J.
Chapman, Albert R.
Chapman, Charles
Chapman, Edison
Chapman, Henry M. Jr.
Chapman, Jennie K.
Chapman, Robert J.
Chapman, William R. Jr.
Chappell, Eugene
Chappell, Roy M.
Charette, Maurice T.
Charles, Leonard
Charles, Wellington
Charlton, Huey E.
Charlton, Terry J.
Charman, David B.
Chase, Albert
Chase, John M.
Chase, Louise E.
Chase, Norman M.
Chase, Vernell R.
Chase, William C.
Chatman, Dan W.
Chatman, Richard C. Jr.
Chatman, William C.
Chavis, John H.
Chavis, Joseph W.
Chavis, Louis E.
Cheaney, George E.
Chears, Curtis M.
Chears, Curtis N.
Cheatham, Eugene C.
Cheatham, Grace E.
Cheatham, Marjorie
Cheatham, Melvin P.
Cheek, Conrad H.
Cheek, Gillis E.
Cheek, Quinten V.
Cheeks, John
Chenault, Randolph W.
Chenier, Charles C.
Cherry, Edgar M.
Cherry, James C.
Cherry, Norman T.
Cherry, William A.
Chester, Alexander
Chester, Robert
Chestnut, Harold G.
Chew, Andrew
Chew, John F.
Chiappe, Anthony M.
Chichester, James R.
Chichester, Mrs. s.
Chichester, William
Chichester, William M.
Chieves, William H.
Childress, Wesley H.
Childs, Archie
Childs, Charles
Childs, Don
Childs, John A.
Childs, Joseph E.
Childs, Thomas L.
Childs, Watson
Childs, William
Chilton, Thomas A.
Chin, Abraham
Chin, George
Chin, Jack
Chineworth, Joseph E.
Chisholm, Charles S.
Chisolm, Kelly B.
Chitwood, John V.
Choate, Osemon H.
Choice, James O.
Choisy, George B.
Choma, Charles W.
Chreves, William H.
Christian, Arthur L.
Christian, Eugene r. Jr.
Christian, Houston
Christian, James
Christian, James S.
Christian, Kermit A.
Christian, Norman
Christian, Rudy
Christiansen, William M. Jr.
Christine, John W.
Christler, Marion L.
Christmas, Joseph A.
Christmas, Lee C.
Christopher, Charles T.
Christopher, James
Christopher, Vernon
Chtopecki, Francis V.
Chube, David D.
Chuhe, David D.
Chunn, Richard
Church, Robert
Churchill, Chester A.
Churchill, Walter E. Jr.
Churchwell, Nathaniel
Cicero, Ralph F.
Cimpson, James r. Jr.
Cisco, Arnold W.
Cisco, George E.
Clack, Wilbur
Claggett, Leo R.
Claiborne, Bernard F.
Clanton, John H.
Clanton, Spencer
Clapp, Claude D.
Clardy, Felix C.
Clark, Adicus
Clark, Albert
Clark, Albert D.
Clark, Arthur N.
Clark, Benjamin D.
Clark, Bernard
Clark, Charles S.
Clark, Clarence r. Jr.
Clark, Cleveland
Clark, Doris E.
Clark, Edgar A.
Clark, Eubert W.
Clark, Eugene
Clark, Fredrick
Clark, George r. Jr.
Clark, Gill
Clark, Gordon E.
Clark, Gurthalee
Clark, Harold
Clark, Herbert V.
Clark, Howard
Clark, Howard B.
Clark, James B.
Clark, James L.
Clark, James R.
Clark, Jesse
Clark, John J.
Clark, John r. Jr.
Clark, Joseph
Clark, Lawrence O.
Clark, Leroy
Clark, Lonice L.
Clark, Otto A. Jr.
Clark, Peter W.
Clark, Phillip
Clark, Raleigh
Clark, Reginald
Clark, Robert
Clark, Robert A.
Clark, Robert J.
Clark, Robert J. Jr.
Clark, Robert L.
Clark, Robert W.
Clark, Stokes
Clark, Sylvester
Clark, Theodore
Clark, Thomas M.
Clark, Wilbur
Clark, William E.
Clark, William H.
Clark, William J.
Clark, Willie
Clark, Willie L.
Clarke, Charles Z.
Clarke, Clarence W.
Clarke, Edgar A.
Clarke, Gill
Clarke, William J.
Clarkson, Levi
Clarkson, Marcus E.
Clary, Edwin C.
Claxton, Harold
Claxton, Lenore G.
Clay, George W.
Clay, Haywood C.
Clay, Henry
Clay, Herbert
Clay, James F.
Clay, James W.
Clay, Leroy
Clay, Tena J.
Clayborne, E.
Claybourne, George
Clayton, Ed T.
Clayton, Edward
Clayton, George F.
Clayton, Gloria
Clayton, Harold H.
Clayton, James
Clayton, John H.
Clayton, Melvin A.
Clayton, Richard D.
Clayton, Robert
Clayton, William
Claytor, Ralph V.
Cleage, Scott K.
Cleaver, John H.
Cleaver, Leroy r. Jr.
Cleaver, Lowell H.
Clement, Frederick A.
Clements, Elizabeth
Clemmons, Wilson H.
Clemons, Coy
Clemons, Ira B.
Clemons, Leroy
Clemons, Robert
Clemont, Willis H.
Cleveland, Calvin
Cleveland, William J.
Clewell, Ralph P. Jr.
Cliett, Calvin
Clifford, Paul I.
Clifton, Emile G. Jr.
Clincy, Cleveland
Clinkscale, Eugene P.
Clinton, Mose E.
Clinton, Shirley R.
Clodfelter, Frank
Clyne, Marcel
Coachman, George H.
Coachman, Leon J.
Coar, Daniel L.
Coard, Elmer D.
Coate, Charles
Coates, Berth
Coates, Clarence E. Jr.
Coates, John W.
Coates, William B.
Coates, William R.
Cobb, Harold T.
Cobb, William P.
Cobble, John T.
Cobbs, Filbert H.
Cobbs, George E.
Cobbs, John H.
Cobbs, Robert H.
Cobbs, Roosevelt
Cobbs, Wilson N.
Cochran, Isom C.
Cochran, Junius C.
Cochran, Pembleton
Cochran, Phil
Cochran, William H.
Cocrel, George W.
Coe, Merton S.
Coelho, Pete
Coes, John L.
Coffee, Bertrand W.
Coffee, Eldon C.
Coffey, Hilbert J.
Cofield, Joseph
Coger, Wallace E.
Coggs, Granville C.
Cohelo, Pete
Cohen, Buster J.
Cohen, John B.
Cohen, Joseph L.
Cohen, Saul A.
Cohn, Melvin J.
Cohoon, James C.
Coignet, Alfred J. Jr.
Coke, Minor D.
Cokelay, Hubert J.
Cokely, Clarence
Colbert, Cal
Colbert, George M.
Colbert, Harold P.
Colbert, James L.
Colbert, Lea
Colbert, Lowell F.
Colbert, Samuel
Colbert, William A. Jr.
Cole, Alfred D.
Cole, Earnest
Cole, Len F.
Cole, Robert A.
Coleman, Albert L.
Coleman, Arthur H.
Coleman, Arthur J.
Coleman, Arthur L.
Coleman, Charles
Coleman, Charlie
Coleman, Conley
Coleman, Elijah
Coleman, Emerson B.
Coleman, Eugene
Coleman, Forrest E.
Coleman, George
Coleman, Herman
Coleman, Howard
Coleman, James
Coleman, James A.
Coleman, Jimmie L.
Coleman, Lemroy
Coleman, Lennie
Coleman, Leon D.
Coleman, Lobiss
Coleman, Marvin A.
Coleman, Mitchell r. Jr.
Coleman, Phillip F.
Coleman, Robert
Coleman, Samuel
Coleman, Stanley
Coleman, Thomas
Coleman, W. W.
Coleman, Walter W.
Coleman, Watkins
Coleman, Wayne A.
Coleman, William
Coleman, William C. Jr.
Coleman, William J.
Coleman, William T.
Coleman, William T. Jr.
Coles, Alexander
Coles, Archie J.
Coles, Calvin J.
Coles, Harry r. Jr.
Coles, Henry
Coles, John D.
Coles, Joseph L.
Coles, Leon W.
Coles, Russell L.
Coles, Samuel r. Jr.
Coles, William D.
Collier, A. F.
Collier, Albert E.
Collier, Ernest P.
Collier, Francis B.
Collier, Horace
Collier, James C.
Collier, Joseph M.
Collier, Matthew
Collier, Plemmer
Collier, Samuel W.
Collier, Tyrus F.
Collier, William B. Jr.
Collins, Albert J.
Collins, Andrew R.
Collins, Bennie A.
Collins, Cairo W.
Collins, Charles
Collins, Dan T.
Collins, Daniel F.
Collins, Eddie
Collins, Edward A.
Collins, Edward J.
Collins, Essex L.
Collins, Floyd A.
Collins, Gamaliel M.
Collins, George L.
Collins, Herman
Collins, James
Collins, Joseph W. Jr.
Collins, Kendrick
Collins, Louis H.
Collins, M.
Collins, Minos
Collins, Reginald G.
Collins, Roosevelt
Collins, Russell L.
Collins, Samuel
Collins, Stanley W.
Collins, Thomas J.
Collins, Tommy J.
Collins, Tommy L.
Collins, Vincent
Collymore, Victor A.
Colon, Bayard K.
Colston, Fred
Colter, Earl
Colub, Abe
Colum, Ira
Colvin, Albert L.
Colvin, Jesse
Colvin, Sydney E.
Combs, Frederick W.
Combs, Schuby L.
Combs, Thomas E.
Comeia, Willie
Commodore, Eugene A.
Compton, Bernice E.
Conaway, Artishia
Condell, James F.
Condon, Joseph L. Jr.
Cone, Charles M.
Cones, Robert A.
Confer, Louis D.
Conkey, Donald M.
Conkley, Donald M.
Conklin, Dale M.
Conley, Coleman
Conley, Jackson r. Jr.
Conley, James C.
Conley, James W.
Conley, Murrie
Conley, Toy C.
Conley, Vernon J.
Conliffe, Calvin H.
Connally, Norris L.
Connell, Clement
Connell, Henry J.
Connell, Victor L.
Connelly, John R.
Conner, Clarence J.
Conner, Henry C.
Conner, Herbert M.
Conner, Kenneth T.
Conner, Lycurgus J.
Conner, Richard E.
Conner, Tommie
Connolly, Joe W.
Connor, Herman D.
Conquest, George D.
Conrad, Robert A.
Consentine, James
Conway, Clarence C.
Conway, William
Conwell, William
Conyer, Louis
Conyers, Hezekiah
Cook, Argust
Cook, Charles
Cook, Harold
Cook, John B.
Cook, John F.
Cook, John G. Jr.
Cook, Junious
Cook, Martin L.
Cook, Orwin S.
Cook, Reynolds G.
Cook, Robert J.
Cook, Robert L.
Cook, Thomas
Cook, Thurman L.
Cook, W. E.
Cook, Walter H. Jr.
Cook, Wayne E.
Cook, Willie J.
Cooke, C.
Cooke, Edmond D.
Cooke, Herbert L.
Cooke, Hezzy A.
Cooke, John G. Jr.
Cooke, Norman J.
Cooke, O. S.
Cooke, Stratman
Cooks, Willie J.
Cooley, Charles L.
Cooley, James r. Jr.
Coombs, Clay T.
Cooper, Bertram
Cooper, Charles V.
Cooper, Charles W.
Cooper, Choice D.
Cooper, Clarence r. Sr.
Cooper, Edward H.
Cooper, Edward M.
Cooper, Elwood J.
Cooper, Elzie
Cooper, Ernest L.
Cooper, Frank
Cooper, Gideon E.
Cooper, Howard W.
Cooper, James
Cooper, James D.
Cooper, James H.
Cooper, James P.
Cooper, Leonard C.
Cooper, Levais
Cooper, Lyerly C.
Cooper, Mae D.
Cooper, Onie
Cooper, Paul A.
Cooper, Robert L.
Cooper, Theodore B.
Cooper, Vernon L.
Cooper, William J.
Cooper, Willis
Copeland, Christopher C.
Copeland, Lexie
Copeland, Mary B.
Copeland, Robert L.
Copeland, William
Copeland, Wilson
Copeland, Wilson A.
Copenhafer, Arnold S.
Copeny, John W. Jr.
Corbean, Walter
Corbett, Caesar r. Jr.
Corbett, Norman L.
Corbin, Albert
Corbin, Matthew J.
Corbin, Percy C.
Cordice, John W. Jr.
Coreau, Albart P.
Cormier, Hodges W.
Cornealius, Joseph
Cornelius, Henry B.
Cornelius, Leroy A.
Cornelius, Owen
Cornell, Bloomfield M.
Cornett, Willie L.
Cornich, Cornelius
Cornish, William H.
Cornitcher, Horace A.
Cornute, Clarence W.
Cosby, James
Cosey, Joe
Cosme, Charles J.
Coston, Earl C.
Coston, Emmitt J.
Cotton, James A.
Cotton, John
Cotton, Red E.
Cottrell, Audrean W.
Couch, James C.
Coughlin, James E.
Coughman, Joseph
Coules, Calvin
Coulter, Cleo
Coulthurst, Audley E.
Council, Grover C.
Counsel, McKinley
Countryman-Bey, Richard
Coureau, Albert P.
Cousins, Augustus J.
Cousins, Bernard
Cousins, Cecil A.
Cousins, Craig R.
Cousins, Earl S.
Cousins, Francis
Cousins, Leo
Cousins, Warren J.
Cousins, William M.
Coutte, Victor
Covington, Bernard
Covington, Francis A.
Covington, Jasper
Covington, Jessie
Covington, Jewel S.
Covington, Urelee
Cowan, Edwin T.
Cowan, Herman
Cowen, George
Cox, Charlie
Cox, George P.
Cox, Hannibal M. Jr.
Cox, James
Cox, Luther A.
Cox, Oathar P.
Cox, R. O.
Cox, Ralph M.
Cox, Reginald
Cox, Roland R.
Cox, William J.
Coy, Corsey R.
Coy, Lorraine
Cozart, Carrie A.
Craan, Howell G.
Craft, Silas
Craig, Charles E.
Craig, Egbert A. Jr.
Craig, Francis
Craig, Isaac
Craig, Lewis W.
Craig, Milford S.
Craig, Robert A.
Craigwell, Ernest
Craigwell, Ernest r. Jr.
Craigwell, William
Crain, Charles A.
Crain, Oleta L.
Crandall, Howard L.
Crapser, Douglas M. Jr.
Craston, William B.
Crawford, Alexander r. Jr.
Crawford, Billy r. Jr.
Crawford, Clarence W.
Crawford, Dolford C.
Crawford, Eatherna
Crawford, Ernest O.
Crawford, George W.
Crawford, John W.
Crawford, Lonnie
Crawford, Murray
Crawford, Richard
Crawford, Rudolph H.
Crawford, William
Crawford, William J.
Crawford, William r. Jr.
Crawley, Arthur L.
Crawley, George
Crayton, Leonard O.
Creed, Leon V.
Creed, Willie B.
Creighton, Daniel R.
Crenchaw, Charles M.
Crenchaw, Milton P.
Crenshaw, Charles M.
Crenshaw, Noah C.
Crenshaw, Walter
Cress, Frederick L.
Crews, William M. Jr.
Crews, Winfield J.
Crichlow, Vere R.
Crisp, Eugene
Criss, LeRoy
Crittenden, Sam L.
Crockett, Alphonso
Crockett, Cecil
Crockett, Effie B.
Crockett, George A.
Crockett, Revelle W.
Crockett, Woodrow W.
Cromartie, Hezekiah J.
Cromer, John P.
Cromwell, Oliver H.
Cronk, William F.
Croom, Erbbie L.
Croom, John B.
Crosier, L. A.
Crosland, Theodore R.
Cross, Charles T.
Cross, Clair L.
Cross, Grover C.
Cross, Johnnie
Cross, Lonnie
Cross, Otis W.
Cross, William r. Jr.
Crossman, Stanley R.
Croston, William A.
Crouch, Arthur J.
Crouch, Robert O.
Crow, Luther
Crowder, James H.
Crowe, Hugh W.
Crowe, John C.
Crowell, Aaron
Crowley, Carl
Crozier, Leonard B.
Crumbie, Edwin N.
Crumble, John J.
Crumbley, Robert
Crumbsy, Grover
Crummel, George J.
Crummer, Raymond L.
Crump, Warren R.
Crumpton, George W.
Crumpton, John D.
Cruse, Barry C.
Cruse, James A.
Crushshon, Herbert A.
Crusor, Paul
Crutcher, Charles A.
Crutcher, Walter L.
Crutcher, Willliam C. Jr.
Crutchfield, Edwin C.
Cruther, William C. Jr.
Cuff, Harry F.
Cuff, James C.
Cullens, Herman
Culley, Joseph W.
Cullins, Herman
Culp, Elliot C.
Culpepper, Steve C.
Cumming, John
Cumming, Richard C.
Cummings, Alonzo
Cummings, Charleston
Cummings, Herndon M.
Cummings, Kermit C.
Cummings, Marcell S.
Cummings, Melvin T.
Cummings, Robert E.
Cummings, Sidney J.
Cundiff, Charles W.
Cundiff, John A.
Cunningham, Abishic
Cunningham, Dennis
Cunningham, Eph
Cunningham, Herman
Cunningham, Howard L.
Cunningham, Jasper
Cunningham, Joe
Cunningham, John H.
Cunningham, John O.
Cunningham, LaVere
Cunningham, Milton D.
Cuoton, Billey T.
Curl, Cecil P.
Currie, George R.
Currier, John F.
Curry, Benjamin F.
Curry, Carleton
Curry, Clinton A.
Curry, Haywood r. Jr.
Curry, Hollie r. Jr.
Curry, J. L.
Curry, James H. Jr.
Curry, John C.
Curry, Joseph C.
Curry, Joseph L.
Curry, Julius A.
Curry, Walter P.
Curry, Willie R.
Curson, Leroy J.
Curtis, Desabee
Curtis, Earl
Curtis, Frank N.
Curtis, Granville
Curtis, Jack
Curtis, John W.
Curtis, Mary A.
Curtis, Norvel W.
Curtis, Raymond
Curtis, Richard L.
Curtis, Samuel L.
Curtis, William
Curtis, William J. Jr.
Curtwright, Evelyn A.
Cushnaghan, William J.
Custard, Ben
Custis, Lemuel R.
Cutchlow, James S.
Cuyjet, Aloysius B.
Cuyjet, John F.
Cuyjet, Stephen L.
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